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Brief history of Vörösmarty Mihály Library

   The history of the library was studied by Ferenc Kégli until 1952. It was printed with the title „100 year-old library in Székesfehérvár” by the Vörösmarty Mihály County Library.
     The county library organised a conference on 6 December which was printed in the „Fejér Megyei Könyvtáros” newspaper. This short brief is from Ferenc Kégli’s book and Éva Hegedűs’presentation.
     In the 1870’s there was a plan about founding a public library: provost János Pauer would have liked to give his collection to the town, and wanted to create a foundation for the accession. After his posting into a bishop he gave it up and his interest turned to the bishop library.
     The foundation of the Library for Officers – which was the the former library – linked to the jubilee of the writer Mór Jókai.The town Municipal Commitee signed the writer the freeman of the town and ordered his all books in 100 volumes. (In 1893 there were only 7 towns in the country which operated own library). After the founding of the library there was not developing. The general assembly of the town gave money for buying books only from 1895. The new books were put in the town clerk's office and he cared about them.
    The first person who handled it was István Tóth Koltai until 1907, after Lajos Kerekes until 1913, then Viktor Juhász archivist until 1920. Emil G. Csitáry (later Emil Csitáry) handled the library until 1932, he was the mayor from December 1931. During his time the books were taken inventory and the library developed a lot, as the stock doubled. In 1922 doctor Gyula Lauschmann’s inheritance was bought, which consisted of 1963 books and during this period József Dévay’s library fraction was also got into the collection with 410 classical philology volumes (this is a separeted collection now which is called Dévay-collection). Emil Csitáry put the library in the building of the old science secondary grammar school in Szent Imre street, now Oskola street. The library was opened with 7368 volumes in this new place on 13 October 1933. The handler was Jenő Kiss, who taught latin and history in the grammar school.
    As the town did not have money for furniture and librarians, the lending was only two hours weekly. The numbers of the registered readers was never over 200. Only 3 rooms remained from the 7 rooms in the building of the Szent Imre street, so the town had to find a new place for the library.
    First it was moved at 2. Szent Korona street (today Táncsics Mihály street) into a private flat. The town decided to build a new culture home to respect 20 anniversary of Miklós Horthy’s governing where they could put the library in. The construction was started in 1941, but due to the World War II the library was put into a room of the Cistercian grammar school, then was moved into a primary school in Móri street. Jenő Kiss threatened the leaders of the town with his resignation, so they examined the new culture palace and put the library in this building.
    The public library was opened again on 1 May 1944. There were 8229 works (app. 10-15 thousand volumes) in the stock. But there was not still a librarian, the reading room was not opened and the opening hours were 4 hours weekly.
    The stock remained after the war, although Jenő Kiss died in Germany. After the war Gábor Kopasz, an archivist was the leader of the building and the teachers trade union was asked to select the books. This work was done by Gyula Szemere and László Somfai; then Gyula Szemere was nominated to lead the library. He opened the new library on 1 November 1946.
    The Ministry changed the library into public collection. The district library moved into the same building, so the books of the public and the district library were in the same store.
    The renewed city library with the district library was celebrated on 21 May 1950. They created a new reading room where were only 3000 volumes. There was not a librarian that’s why the leaders of the town asked the warden’s husband to operate it.
    Imre Könczöl got the disordered stock from István Szapper from November 1951. During this time only few hundred books were lending which was a present from the Hungarian-Soviet Friend Society. Imre Könczöl and his workmates worked a lot, so the library had had 1500 registered readers by 1952 summer.
    Due to the Ministry order in 1952 a new county library had to be set up which was done by Imre Könczöl in Székesfehérvár. The new institute was created from the town and county library in the building of Bartók Béla tér. It was opened on 19 August 1952. The library was got the name Mihály Vörösmarty in the year of the 100 anniversary of the poet.
    Due to Tibor Molnár’s plan the smoking corridor of the Csók István Picture Gallery and the new lending library with reading room was opened on 26 April 1963.
The county library also operated branch library. The first was built in Május1. tér (today Széna tér), it became the centre of the town library which was operated by the town council as Velinkszy László Town Library.
    The county library got today's place in 1980: the reading room and the children library were put in the building of the Cistercian grammar school.
    We started to buy the new types of documents: LP from 1967, microfilms from 1968, audiobooks from 1983, videocassetes from 1985, computer documents from 1991.
    We bought the first PC in 1990, the new integrated library system was created in 1996.The stock of the library was put into the integrated system from 1 January 1995.
From 1 January 2013 the Vörösmarty Mihály County Library and the Town Library fused into Vörösmarty Mihály Library which is operated by the self-governing of the city Székesfehérvár.
    The directors of the library: after Imre Könczöl Andor Kiss became the director, then Mrs Endréné Csongor until 1981, later Ilona Escher, whom followed Éva Hegedűs until 1994. Doctor Antal Arató was elected from March 1994, from 8 October 1998 József Komlósi, later Imre Magony became the director.
    Now the director of the library is Mrs Bíborka Beáta Borsos Vasné.

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